Why Should I Use Ductile Iron Pipe? Four Key Considerations

16 Jan.,2024


“Why should I use Ductile Iron Pipe?”

The question is ostensibly meant to include “instead of other types of piping material.” Well, the reasons are vast and vary depending on project requirements. Since we aren’t talking about a specific project, we’ll look at the general overriding reasons Ductile iron pipe (DI pipe) is the best choice for your piping projects.

First, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Are you concerned with long-term pipe performance or how long your piping system will last?
  • Do you care about the cost of operating your pipeline system?
  • Are you concerned with the actual cost of the system over its entire life or its lifecycle cost?
  • Do you care about the environment?

If you answered yes to any of these -- and as a utility or consulting engineer, you probably would -- then you have already answered that Ductile iron pipe is the right choice for you. Let’s look a little further into why this is so.